#46: Women in Logistics Management Roles


Claudia Kattan-Jordan es la Vicepresidenta para Centroamérica y Panamá en Crowley Maritime. Ha desempeñado diferentes roles dentro de la organización por más de 34 años. También ha estado participando en muchas organizaciones en Centroamérica y Honduras como Presidenta de la Cámara Americana de Comercio de Honduras (AMCHAM), Directora del Consejo Hondureño de Empresas Privadas (COHEP), Co-fundadora de HUGE (Honduras, USA, Guatemala, El Salvador), Business & Investment Council, Ex Directora y más de 15 años de relación con la Asociación Hondureña de Líneas Navieras (AHCORENA), reconocida como una de las 10 mujeres más poderosas en Negocios en Centroamérica por la Revista Summa para 2021 y 2022. Reconocida entre las 20 mujeres líderes en la industria marítima por la Revista Marine Log y también Ganadora del Premio a la Felicidad otorgado por Digital HR & INCAE entre otros reconocimientos.


Claudia Kattan-Jordan is the Vice President for Central America & Panama at Crowley Maritime. She have performed different roles inside the organization for over 34. Also she had been participating in many organization in Central America and Honduras as President of the American Chamber of Commerce of Honduras (AMCHAM), Director for the Honduran Private Business Council (COHEP), Co-founder of HUGE (Honduras, USA, Guatemala, El Salvador), Business & Investment Council, Former Director and more than 15-year relationship with the Honduran Shipping Lines Association (AHCORENA), recognized as one of the 10 most powerful women in Business in Central America by Summa Magazine for 2021 and 2022, Recognized among the 20 top women leaders in maritime industry by Marine Log Magazine and also Winner of the Award of Happiness given by Digital HR & INCAE among others recognitions.

Listen to the full discussion here:

  • Stream by clicking here.
  • Download as an MP3 here.



Connect with the Guest:

Claudia Kattan-Jordan: LinkedIn

Algunos de los aspectos más destacados del podcast:

  • Introducción de Claudia Kattan-Jordan
  • Tu carrera de crecimiento en Crowley Maritime Centroamérica. Cuéntanos al respecto.
    1. Su unión inicial
    2. que ha desarrollado.
    3. Su asignación como Vicepresidente para Centroamérica y Panamá
  • ¿A qué barreras te has enfrentado durante tu carrera profesional?
  • ¿Cómo ve la participación e inclusión de la Mujer en Roles Directivos en América Latina?
  • ¿Cuál es la importancia y relevancia de la inclusión y diversidad en la Industria Logística?
  • ¿Qué recomienda a las personas nuevas que buscan hacer carrera en la cadena de suministro?
    1. o ¿Qué habilidades considera que son clave para los líderes de la cadena de suministro?
  • Su recomendación final para SC Professionals.
  • Despedida

Some of the highlights from the podcast:

  • Introduction of Claudia Kattan-Jordan
  • Your growth career in Crowley Maritime Central America. Tell us about it.
    • Your initial joining
    • Roles that you have been developed.
    • Your assignment as a Vice President for Central America & Panama
  • Which barriers have you faced during your professional career?
  • What do you see the participation and inclusion of the Women in Management Roles in Latin America
  • Which is the importance and relevance of the inclusion and diversity in the Logistics Industry?
  • What do you recommend to new people looking for making career in Supply Chain?
    • Which skills do you consider are key for Supply Chain Leaders?
  • Your final recommendation for SC Professionals.
  • Farewell

Quote from the Episode:

About the Host:

The host, Xabier Basañez is a well-rounded Supply Chain expert, with end-to-end experience in different industries: FMCG, Logistics, 3PL, and Retail. He is a natural Processes synchronizer strengthening organizational operations. He loves to connect supply chain professionals to create spaces for discussion and analysis, focusing on LATAM & USA.

Alcott Global connects and upgrades the supply chain ecosystem by finding the right talent through executive search, developing talent through learning solutions, and meeting supply chain technology needs through a comprehensive crunch base marketplace.

The supply chain executive search has been our focus since the very beginning, offering recruitment services for top-tier supply chain roles at every level of the end-to-end supply chain: plan, source / procure, make, and deliver. Our consultants have years of experience in placing top talent, in North America, LATAM, Europe, the Middle East & Africa, and APAC, and besides speed, one of our biggest strengths is our network within the supply chain industry, and we capitalize on it to find the best solutions.

Through the years, we have grown as an organization and our offerings with it. One of our initiatives, the learning solutions- training and supply chain academy, is focused on transforming leadership- self-leadership, executive presence, influence capital, and business acumen. Through Supplify, we aim to match corporations with the top technology companies to solve their supply chain and logistics challenges with a focus on innovation and digital transformation.

We are in constant touch with the leaders in supply chain, inviting them to inspire the supply chain professionals in thought-provoking podcast episodes and events, and showcasing what is possible at the yearly Leaders in Supply Chain Awards.

Related Episodes:

#43: Leveraging Technology in Mitigating Supply Chain Risks

#44: Sustainability, Globalization, and Career in an MNC

#45: Supply Chain Transformation and Talent in LATAM




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