Gustavo Castellanos es el Gerente General del Clúster de Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela para Kimberly- Clark y cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia en el sector de bienes de consumo masivo, trabajando en diferentes geografías y categorías a nivel local, regional y global. Hoy, es responsable de la operación integral del negocio y tiene el reto de continuar fortaleciendo las estrategias que posicionen a Kimberly- Clark como una fuente de empleo, de innovación y de crecimiento.
Gustavo Castellanos is the General Manager of the Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela Cluster for Kimberly-Clark and has more than 25 years of experience in the FMCG sector, working in different geographies and categories at a local, regional, and global level. Today, he is responsible for the integral operation of the business and has the challenge of further strengthening the strategies that position Kimberly-Clark as a source of employment, innovation, and growth.
Listen to the full discussion here:
Connect with the Guest:
Gustavo Castellanos: LinkedIn
Algunos de los aspectos más destacados del podcast:
- Introducción de Gustavo Castellanos
- Iniciaste e hiciste tu carrera en una gran empresa, una gran escuela para aprender y crecer. ¿Cómo fue este primer rol en P&G como Project Manager Detergentes Latinoamérica?
- Obtuviste un nuevo desafío en Ventas como Gerente Nacional de Ventas de P&G en Perú Canal Tradicional. ¿Cómo fue empezar a trabajar en Ventas y desarrollar el canal tradicional, que requiere alianzas con distribuidores, mayoristas y al mismo tiempo entender los objetivos internos de la Cadena de Suministro de mejorar la Distribución haciéndola eficiente para la organización?
- Obtuviste el desafío como Director Asociado de CBD que trabaja en Walgreens Team US. ¿Cómo fue esta experiencia enfocada en un Cliente clave y mejorando la participación y los beneficios de P&G en este cliente?
- Regresaste a la región, en Panamá, como Director asociado de CBD Fabric Care Latinoamérica. Mayor responsabilidad y mayor alcance. ¿Cómo trabajó con Supply Chain en este desarrollo estratégico clave de Clientes?
- Estas experiencias previas enfocadas en sus clientes abren una nueva serie de roles como Director de Ventas en Colombia, Gerente de País en Colombia y también Vicepresidente del canal de Farmacia Global en Suiza. ¿Qué aprendizajes y experiencias trabajando con sus Equipos, construyendo sinergias y haciendo crecer el negocio nos podría compartir de estos años?
- Haber trabajado 22 años en P&G establece un estilo de gestión, trabajo en equipo, desarrollo de personas y relación con otras funciones dentro de la organización, especialmente con la Cadena de Suministro. ¿Cómo ves cuáles son tus principales aprendizajes y habilidades que has podido dominar en estos años?
- Ahora regresaste a la Región como Gerente General Cluster Colombia Ecuador en Kimberly-Clark.
- ¿Cuáles son los principales desafíos a los que se enfrenta y cuáles son los aprendizajes que está poniendo en práctica en este nuevo rol?
- ¿Cómo los equipos de liderazgo dentro de la organización deberían planificar el futuro en este camino acelerado de innovación y transformación?
- La Digitalización en la industria es un objetivo clave en el plan estratégico de las organizaciones. ¿Cómo te va en este cambio de clave?
- Además, me gustaría sus comentarios sobre ¿qué papel en la Sostenibilidad deberían estar jugando las organizaciones y su Gestión
- ¿Qué recomendación y consejo para que los profesionales desarrollen sus carreras para alcanzar roles de nivel C?
- ¿Cuál es su mensaje final para la audiencia?
- Despedida
Some of the highlights from the podcast:
- Introduction of Gustavo Castellanos
- You initiated and made your career in a great company, a great school to learn and growth. How it was this first role in P&G as Project Manager Laundry Latin America?
- You got a new challenge in Sales as a National Sales Manager P&G in Peru Traditional Channel. How it was starting to work in Sales and developing the traditional channel, which requires alliances with distributors, wholesalers and at the same time understand the internal Supply Chain objectives of improving the Distribution making it efficient for the organization?
- You got the challenge as a CBD Associate Director working in the Walgreens Team US. How it was this experience focused on a key Customer and improving the P&G share & benefits in this customer?
- You came back to the region, in Panama, as CBD associated Director Fabric Care Latin America. Bigger accountability and bigger scope. How did you work with Supply Chain on this key strategic development of Customers?
- These previous experiences focusing on your customers open a new series of roles as Sales Director in Colombia, Country Manager in Colombia and also Vice President Global Pharmacy channel in Switzerland. Which learnings and experiences working with your Teams, building synergies, and making the business growth could you share with us from these years?
- Having worked 22 years in P&G stablish a style of management, teamwork, people development and relations with other functions inside the organization, especially with Supply Chain. How do you see which are your key learnings and skills that you have able to master in these years?
- Now you came back to the Region as a General Manager Cluster Colombia Ecuador in Kimberly-Clark.
- Which are the major challenges that you are facing, and which are the learnings that you are putting in practice in this new role?
- How Leadership teams inside organization should be planning the future in this accelerate path of innovation and transformation?
- The Digitalization in the industry is a key goal in the strategic plan of the organizations. How are you doing in this key change?
- Also, I would like your comments on which role in Sustainability should be playing the organizations and their Management?
- Which recommendation and advice for professional to develop their careers to reach C level roles?
- Which is your final message to the audience?
- Farewell
Quote from the Episode:
About the Host:
The host, Xabier Basañez is a well-rounded Supply Chain expert, with end-to-end experience in different industries: FMCG, Logistics, 3PL, and Retail. He is a natural Processes synchronizer strengthening organizational operations. He loves to connect supply chain professionals to create spaces for discussion and analysis, focusing on LATAM & USA.
Alcott Global connects and upgrades the supply chain ecosystem by finding the right talent through executive search, developing talent through learning solutions, and meeting supply chain technology needs through a comprehensive crunch base marketplace.
The supply chain executive search has been our focus since the very beginning, offering recruitment services for top-tier supply chain roles at every level of the end-to-end supply chain: plan, source / procure, make, and deliver. Our consultants have years of experience in placing top talent, in North America, LATAM, Europe, the Middle East & Africa, and APAC, and besides speed, one of our biggest strengths is our network within the supply chain industry, and we capitalize on it to find the best solutions.
Through the years, we have grown as an organization and our offerings with it. One of our initiatives, the learning solutions- training and supply chain academy, is focused on transforming leadership- self-leadership, executive presence, influence capital, and business acumen. Through Supplify, we aim to match corporations with the top technology companies to solve their supply chain and logistics challenges with a focus on innovation and digital transformation.
We are in constant touch with the leaders in supply chain, inviting them to inspire the supply chain professionals in thought-provoking podcast episodes and events, and showcasing what is possible at the yearly Leaders in Supply Chain Awards.
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#46: Women in Logistics Management Roles
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